#4 Apple creates a new brand “personality”

With the release of the iPhone 4s, Apple created a new personality. Her name is Siri and she is a personal assistant to anyone with the iPhone 4s. She can help you find things, send text messages, read messages and almost anything that you ask her to do. However, she does have a witty side. Ask her for the meaning of life and she’ll tell you. Tell her she’s pretty and she’ll get flustered.

As one would expect, this sparked a huge group of people who now spend their days asking Siri questions to see what she has to say. Apple now has a personality for the forefront of their brand. Not only is Apple the hip, forward thinking, slick company but now they have a voice and witty personality to truly personify their company.

Apple’s Siri is going to get a lot of followers in the next few months. But is this something that will last or is it something that will subside in a short time. I think it’s something that will last. Siri doesn’t have the stereotypical AI voice or personality, which gives it a step up in people’s minds.

It’ll be interesting to see if Siri is integrated into any advertisements by Apple especial on radio and TV. It seems that Apple has created a new demographic who is in love with Siri. Time will only tell if Apple will do anything with that new demographic.

Here’s a couple articles for some more reading.

Apple iPhone 4s’ Siri says the darndest things

Shit That Siri Says Tumblr

25 Fun Things To Ask Siri